The Olympic year 2012 finds the Allied Museum in sporting mode. Beginning on July 24, we will be showing the temporary exhibition “Fair Play. The Allies and Sports” in cooperation with the Sportmuseum Berlin. The exhibition will explore fascinating aspects of a little studied subject for the first time: from the Allied ban on all German sporting clubs in 1945 to the popular sporting events that brought Berliners together with the protecting powers.
In 1945, engaging in sports was already a way to strengthen the alliance among the victorious powers. Competitions were also held regularly within the individual armed forces to increase cohesion, improve physical fitness, and raise morale. For Allied soldiers in Germany, sports meant above all an escape from routine and a bit of home on the playing field.
Sports were also an important link with Berliners, however. After the ban on fraternization was lifted, the American youth clubs used sports to teach children and young people values such as democracy, fair play, and team spirit. The exhibition also addresses the beginnings of sports after 1945, which were initially defined by prohibitions. As relations between the Allies and Berliners grew closer, sporting contacts also increased. Friendly matches, tournaments, and other sporting events opened up new meeting spaces, some of which still exist today. The exhibition will also follow these traces in the Berlin sporting landscape.
Admission is free.
The lavishly illustrated accompanying publication in German, English, and French will be available for purchase on site at the Museum.