Every once in a while, the Museum presents a particular object, whether it is newly acquired, freshly restored or is of renewed interest because of a historical anniversary.
Here you will find fascinating stories around the striking or nondescript objects left behind by the Western powers. Let us surprise you.

The “Train militaire français de Berlin”
The train militaire français de Berlin (French military train) car that stands on the Allied Museum grounds recalls a little-known chapter in the Cold War, the Western powers’ military trains

The necklace from the Reich Chancellery
A multifaceted artifact of contemporary history: An object unearthed from the ruins of the Reich Chancellery becomes a very special piece of jewelry.

Chipmunk WG 466
An ideal plane for air reconnaissance in Berlin: How the Royal Air Force used a chipmunk to observe the Soviet armed forces.

The Berlin spy tunnel
The Cold War underground: The history of the Berlin spy tunnel and a spectacular discovery in provincial Mecklenburg.

Share your memories with us!
Have you kept objects, newspapers, documents or photos recalling the presence of the Western powers that you would like to make available to the Allied Museum? Would you like to preserve your personal experiences with the Western powers for future generations by giving a contemporary witness interview? Please get in touch with us!